Monday, March 5, 2012

Onwards and downwards

I've got two more days in my current role at work. On Thursday I'll be moving downstairs - 24 floors downstairs to be precise - to start a role in New Business. I'll have that job for a month, perhaps more, but after that (if there is an after) my salary will be slashed - in half I imagine. To be honest I'm relieved.

Julie decided to come to the Asperger's group. I was a little peeved by that and I'm not sure why. Perhaps it was because I didn't feel I could quite be myself.

Would you believe it, Mandy (one of my old colleagues from Auckland) recently won another ten grand on Bullseye, to go with the forty grand she won last August. I've since been asking her for the Bullseye number in advance: "you don't have to be spot on, just kind of close would be fine."

The big news story in Wellington today was that eight-year-old boy who drove an SUV through the middle of town early this morning. Clever little chap isn't he?

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